Friday, September 30, 2011

I Can't Get Enough!

I can't get enough of fall! More Autumn loveliness before the start of the weekend . . .

Riding boots!

Comfy Socks.

Halloween Decor.

Just love this.


Paint it Black

So aside from the boots and sweaters and jeans and awesome coats that I am so looking forward to wearing, (if this stupid weather ever gets its act together!) I'm ready to switch up my nail polish also. As much as I adore the hot pinks turquoises and bright colors of summer I'm ready to switch to the plums, reds and darker shades of fall. Here are some of my top picks!

Chanel's Fall 2011 collection:
Graphite, Peridot, and Quartz
Peridot is my go to fall color this season.

Essie's "Very Structured"
I love the burnt orange color of this one.

Essie's "Power clutch"
This seasons "it" color is military green.

If the greens, and dark shades are not your cup of tea,
going with a classic red like this Essie "Really Red"
is always a perfect cool weather shade. 

Oh Hey It's Autumn!

I know, it's been forever since I have posted but I will be changing that and regularly updating posts. Since I have been gone alot has changed including the seasons for one! Helllllo Fall!! Seriously one of my favorite times of the year and I am so excited to be in New Jersey for it. Maryland never really quite had the same fall as Jersey does. You would go to bed one night (usually end of October) with it still being considerably warm for that time of year and barely any color change to the leaves and then the next morning you would wake up and POOF, leaves were gone and you needed to call home  for your winter coat to be mailed via UPS ASAP. So I am extremely looking forward to being home for this years Autumn. Below are some of my fav. fall things! 

Love this idea for a Fall Mantle.

Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Lattes
(I have already had more that I can count)

Pretty colored leaves!!

Fall clothes: boots, pants, coats, bags ahhh I love it all!!
especially this cape from J. Crew

This Yankee Candle scent is exactly how
every home should smell throughout
October and November.

And unique pumpkin designs. Love these!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Fun Fact

Photo: Pinterest
So for as much as I complain about my job and all things that I hate about it, I must say I meet some pretty interesting people and for those few that I have met it definitely makes up for the millions of miserable people that I do put up with. The other day I was walking into an elderly mans room. Actually he wasn't that old probably around 70. Anyway I put his tray down and said his name (I have to do this for every patient to ensure they are receiving the right trays) however he responded no that's not my name (even though I knew it was he played this trick on me the day before). Now I hate when patients play this game it's extremely annoying and I do not find it funny when they play tricks. It's actually kind of serious and crucial that I make sure they are getting the right tray of food since everyone is on a specific diet. I jokingly laughed and said haha no you really are Mr. So and So. He then went on to tell me he would not be eating his dinner, which quite frankly I did not blame him, but put it down anyway quoting what I say to every patient who does this, "I'll just leave it here in case you get hungry later, look at the nice fill in the blank you have to eat" with his particular "fill in the blank" all that looked decent was a peach. When I said peach he laughed at me and said "you call that a peach? it looks more like a rock". I couldn't agree more with him it was a sad, small, little peach. Well Mr. So and So then went on to tell me he used to be a peach farmer in Georgia, and that the peach is the only fruit that once it is picked does not ripen, it only gets soft and mushy. So apparently if you want to eat a great peach you need to wait till the exact perfect timing to harvest them or else you will wind up with rock hard peaches that just get soft and mushy. Who knew?! I thought it was a pretty interesting fact and the guy was pretty cool too. However not as cool as the 95 year old man next door who insisted he wear his ray bans all day, so whenever I walked into the room I never knew if he was sleeping, dead or just watching TV. Bonus was his name was Royal.

For more all things peach, below are some delish peach recipes! And some peachy things to end the week!

Grilled Corn Peach and Basil Salsa

Juicy Peach Margaritas

And Of Course, James and the Giant Peach

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Why Not

So last night I went out to dinner and drank a little too much wine to be able to write a semi - decent post. Sorry. So today I will thrill all of you with TWO posts, starting with what should have been Wednesdays Why Not post.

So while I was walking the aisles of Sephora, casually throwing make up into my basket that I cannot afford, (saving for graduate school, HA) a thought popped into my head. How cool would it be to create your own makeup line! I love makeup and beauty care so why not be the creator of  fabulous make up  and have it sold at Sephora or Blue Mercury? Half the time that I am in these stores I find make up that I love (Helloo Chanel and Too faced) and am extremely disappointed to find the ingredients are loaded with parabens (scientists are finding this chemical to be a direct link to breast cancer), sulfates or other non-friendly chemicals. Now most organic make up lines that I come across are extremely boring, you know just the bare essentials that you need, no fun. My line however will be a mix of an organic line such as Korres and a fun line like Benefit. Wouldn't that be so great? Owning your own makeup company. Traveling the world to find natural ingredients and inspiration and then coming up with colorful names for your collections? Maybe if your line is used for runway you can even grab tickets to some major fashion shows. Basically you would live an extremely stylish and awesome life, and bonus I doubt you need a college degree for a job like this.  For some grand stories behind great make up brands click Here for Benefits and Here for Tarte's, my two favorite lines. Below are some of my favorite pieces from both their collections and some others.

P.s The makeup line that I am currently creating in my head is alot like what Tarte already sells, but everyone needs a little competition in their lives and let's be honest this is never going to happen anyway.

Benefit Blush in Coralista
Great for Summer

Benefit, Benetint: used for multiple purposes, cheek stain lip stain.
Originally this was concocted for prostitutes nipples LOL.

Benefits Moonbeam Luminzor
Not really sure the actual purpose of this ( I think it is to high light certain aspects of your face) but it is alot of fun and
soo pretty!

Tarte Bronzer: perfect bronzer for highlighting cheeks

Tarte Amazonian Clay Blush

Tarte Lip Surgence Lip Stain

Dior Show Mascara: Best Mascara Ever!!

MAC Eye Kohl Pencil

Too Faced Matte Powder Bronzer: Best All Over Bronzer

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Labor Day Weekend .... Not.

I feel ya kid. 

So while most of the real world reveled in the thought of a three day weekend, I cried. I cried for many reasons the biggest being my little brother heading back to school. No I did not cry because I was sad to see my brother leave (I mean I was sad, but not that emotional about it) I cried because it's finally sinking in that I am not going back to Salisbury. It is like actually happening that I'm not going to go back. I'm not going to move into my apartment. Not going to be able to go through that huge checklist to give to my RA stating that everything in my apartment is "good" except for all those "holes" in the wall, (the holes in the wall were always there when I checked out). Thursdays won't be spent getting ready and pre-gaming to go out. No instead they will actually be spent nestled between my Mom and Dad on the couch watching TV. I'm even going to miss going to the library to get work done. The worst part about all of this is I actually thought I was really ready to be done with school. Last spring semester I felt really confident. I thought I was going to have a great job, I had plans for graduate school the following year and an actual future ahead of me. Now that I realize this is not a real job and I don't even know what I'm going to graduate school for anymore the future is a little more dim then bright. Which brings me to the second reason why I cried. Health careers take Labor Day literally and apply them to all holidays and most weekends. So while the rest of the country took in the last rays of summer I watched them set from the windows of the hospital. Working weekends doesn't really agree with my schedule so it's going to be a difficult future life time if I'm working in the health field. Maybe Exercise Science is not the best degree for me. I think I have hit rock bottom. 

Ps The venting/ complaining isn't over.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Fun Fact

Photo: Pinterest

The fourth hour of the Today Show with Kathie Lee Gifford and Hoda Kotb has to be one of my favorite morning talk shows. Normally in the beginning of their show they feature a "Todays Talk" referring to  gossip, current events, you know the usual stuff talk shows do before they start interviewing their guests. Well on this particular morning they brought up a very interesting fun fact. Apparently sleeping on your sides or wearing a too tight bra causes cleavage wrinkles! So now not only do we need to worry about generously applying sunscreen to our faces and bodies to prevent those unwanted wrinkles, we also need to be concerned with our sleeping positions!! I guess I'm going to have to start training myself tonight to fall asleep on my back and hope I wake up in the same position tomorrow! To see the whole story click here  (scroll down to see the clip). The cleavage news doesn't start till 4:41. Just an important fun fact for Friday!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

An Ode To Summer

So I know Summer officially ends on September 22, but in my mind the first day of September marks the beginning of fall. I'm usually unhappy to see summer end however this year I'm greeting fall with open arms (hello fall fashion!). The majority of my summer season was spent running around the hospital delivering trays only to hear an infinity of complaints such as "what is this? I don't eat pork! Where's my coffee? I thought I ordered ice cream?!" Hellooo you are in a hospital, not a four star hotel, not even a one star hotel! I'm not a waitress, I don't get paid enough to be a waitress so please stop yelling orders at me! Amidst the complaints and the countless days I came home with crusted marinara sauce on my shirt there are still some joyful memories/thoughts that are going to make me miss summer 2011. So here they are, my ode to summer.

Starfish Earrings I had my eye on that my mom surprised me with!
Earrings: Coach

My favorite Summer colors for 2011
From Left to Right:
Turquoise and Caicos, Too Too Hot, Smooth Sailing, Absolutely Shore, Splash of Grenadine, Flirty Fuchsia
All Essie

My go to summer Lucky Brand Hobo
(sorry for the sideways picture, amateur blogger/ macbook user) 

Watermelon, Lots and Lots of Watermelon

The Beach!
Asbury Park Beach

Not needing an excuse to eat ice cream
(don't think I was that healthy just eating watermelon!)