Thursday, October 13, 2011


So before the start of the holidays with their endless amount of mashed potatoes, cookies, and pumpkin spice/egg nog lattes, I decided that I am going to try Jillian Michaels detox drink thing. Now personally Jill is not a favorite of mine. True she was a former fatty and whipped her body into great shape but there is just something that I hate about her. Maybe it's because I'm not a fan of The Biggest Loser, but whatever it is I do not really like her. However her detox plan is kind of interesting to me. Here it is if you want to try it!

  • 60 ounces of distilled or pure mineral water (I'm just using tap)
  • Add a TBSP of sugar free pure cranberry juice (um forgot to get cranberry juice but my tea bag has cranberry in it!)
  • Add one Dandelion root tea bag (or the one I have with the cran in it)
  • Finally add two TBSP of lemon juice
  • Drink throughout the day along with eating healthy!

So this is suppose to help flush 5 lbs. of excess water weight if you drink it for seven days. I also just read that the dandelion root tea bag is extremely bitter and apparently "wreaks havoc on your intestines while it detoxifies your body" I'm now scared. I'll let you know how it works out! 

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