Monday, November 14, 2011


Such a pretty day to be a tourist

This past weekend my friend and I traveled up to Merrimack College in Andover Massachusetts to visit my brother. It was also a great excuse to hop on the train and take a quick ride into Boston. We got to catch a hockey game, (Merrimack vs. Boston University) in which Merrimack won with a goal in overtime to win it, very exciting! My friend and I wandered around Boston acting like tourists, visiting historic points of interest, and eating gelato in the North End (Little Italy). And to top it off we got to relive college, hanging out with my brother and his friends in their dorm playing drinking games and crashing way later then I normally would. It was a fantastic weekend and I cannot wait to go back to visit, or possibly move to Bean town. 

Merrimack College vs. Boston University
at the Agganis Arena

Statue of Paul Revere with the Old North Church Steeple
in the background

Delicious Gelato on Hanover St.

Boston Harbor

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