Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Why Not

First Lady Gowns showcase at the Smithsonian's  American History Museum

So there is a running joke in my family about how I change my mind about my future career at least once a week. It just seems that there are so many unique jobs out there and even though almost none of the jobs I think of have anything to do with my degree, I can't help fantasizing how awesome my life would be if I could obtain one of my dreams. So I figured why not post about the job I'm currently craving once a week? 

So here it goes, this week why not go to graduate school for history and become a museum curator for time period costumes? Now I know to most history is such a boring subject, but wouldn't it be so cool to be in charge of the gorgeous gowns and jewels from years ago? Or better yet help contribute expertise for costume design for periodic based films? Traveling to the movie sets to ensure each costume is historically accurate, or requesting certain articles of clothing (Marie Antoinette's wedding dress?) to be displayed in a new exhibit you were putting together on 18th century french fashion? Even just contributing to the American History Museums First lady gowns exhibit sounds spectacular to me. So for this week I see myself residing in a city (New York, D.C.) and devoting my life to the fabulous fashions of the past. Below are some of my favorite time period films and the gowns and clothing that were created for them.

Cate Blanchett in Elizabeth: The Golden Age
16th Century Gown

Kirsten Dunst in Marie Anoinette
18th century Gowns

Emily Blunt in The Young Victoria
19th Century Gown

Keira Knightley in Atonement
20th Century Gown


Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Just Because

I just stumbled upon this on pinterest and found it pretty entertaining, it helped put a smile on my face, especially since I love all things french! It also has just become the background to my laptop. Au Revoir!

New Job Search . . .

Back in happier times, before I realized my life is currently leading nowhere.
Gown and Hat: Salisbury University 
So I'm quickly learning that the degree I hold is not going to get me anywhere in the job world. Job search engines only lead me to personal training or even worse, no matches. Apparently the real world has no sympathy to the amount of work, long nights of studying and painful concentration it took me to get a degree that is leading me no where. My only hope now is graduate school, or marrying someone really, really rich.

Monday, August 29, 2011

The Real World . . .

So I guess I'm now apart of the "Real World", however it doesn't really feel that way. I still live with my parents, I'm under their insurance plan, and they pay for the groceries (in all fairness I help grocery shop AND do my own laundry). However today would have been my first day of classes at Salisbury University, so I guess that officially makes me an alumnus. So instead of heading to lecture and cringing at my fall syllabuses, I went with my mom and younger brother to Holmdel Park, NJ to search for a wagon in a barn with my moms ancestors last name on it. My mom is obsessed with her ancestry. It's cute. So that was my excitement for the day. All in all I really enjoyed being with them, especially since our power is still out! Thank you Hurricane Irene!

Holmdel Park, NJ 

Some sheepies at Longstreet Farm, Holmdel Park

Mom and I.
Since I know you want to know what I'm wearing! 
Shirt:RVCA, Sunglasses:Von Zipper, ( I actually hate these stunnas, couldn't find my usual pair)
 My mom is probably wearing Talbots.

      And . . . 

My mom with the wagon!
 I thought it was going to be a little red one, but no it was a giant one that horses once pulled.
Our ancestors name is that yellow crest in the green part.

Oh Hey!


So I'm starting this blog kinda sorta as a joke. If it takes off great! If not I guess I can keep my family members and friends updated about my post - grad life. But in all honesty post - grad life is basically not much more than a joke. Most of us are currently jobless, looking, or holding a job position that isn't much to boast about (insert me in this category). I graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Exercise Science, and at the moment I'm working at a hospital in my area, in the food and nutrition dept. and no I am not a dietician. Instead I have the glamourous job of delivering food trays to patients rooms and scraping pureed turkey and carrots into the garbage. Fun right? Not really.