Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Sorry it has been f o r e v e r since I have posted. I promise I will begin posting again starting this Sunday! See you then!

Sunday, January 1, 2012


Some inspiration for a bright, beautiful, fantastic, romantic, healthy, primo and legendary new year!!

Along with fabulous plans for the nights to come.

No Worries.


plenty of pretty things.


AND .....

Lots and Lots of love.


Happy New Year! What a relief to have a clean slate laid out in front of us with a whole year of opportunities and adventures to come! I have already created my long list of goals and resolutions and I must say that I am extremely focused wanting to complete and stick to them! The past few weeks I have done some idea throwing around about changing the layout and ideas of this blog. I think I'm going to start incorporating more fitness and health inspired posts, that is after all what my college degree is in so I might as well start putting my knowledge and skills to good use! So cheers to a very happy and healthy new year!!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Tis the Season!

This is a really adorable story of the Nativity that my friend shared last Christmas. It still puts a smile on my face, I hope it puts one on yours also!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Pretty Things, Just Because!

Have A Happy Weekend Everyone!

This would be an awesome party, just because of the balloons!

Holiday cheer at it's best.

Liking the idea of an all white tree.


Friday, December 2, 2011

Glam Friday!

Since the tree at Rockefeller Center is officially lit and it is finally December it is time to start glamming it up!! Here are some great inspirations to look like a Glamified Bombshell for this holiday season.

Here are some links below!
Great Holiday Glam Hair Looks!
Picture Posing Techniques From Heidi Klum

Gold Eye Shadow, Lots of Mascara and Deep Red Lips

Fantastic Smelling Perfume
(Doesn't have to be Chanel of Course)

Awesome Gold "Glitzerland" Nail Polish

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

I Want Me Some Snow!

Alright enough is enough! Don't get me wrong, I'm all for this balmy, warm, weather, I do love it!! But between November 20th - January 2 it needs to be cold. Not brutally, eyes tearing want to shiver up and die cold but at least cold enough to snow. Of course I'm in the holiday spirit and getting excited about Christmas cookies and 25 days of Chistmas but this 60 degree (ehem 74 degree on Monday) weather is making it feel not so much like the holidays. So for everyone else who is feeling this way or who may live below the Mason Dixon line or the Equator here are plenty of snowy pictures to help bring a mind set for a light snow storm!!  

And With all this wanted to snow I will have a reasonto buy the adorable "Toggle Coat in Wool-Cashmere"from J. Crew

PS: To ALL weathermen, I am NOT asking for a blizzard like last Christmas. Not trying to be stuck in my house with all my christmas money for 5 plus days unable to go shopping. Just a light dusting would be nice 4 - 5 inches at most, Thanks!